Nos complace anunciar que ya está disponible la nueva versión de Koha 16.05.05 y que hemos actualizado nuestros servidores para que puedan ver los cambios realizados.
Servidor: demo1.orex.es
Security bugs
- [16800] Stored Cross-site Scripting vulnerability in addbiblio.pl
- [17035] Koha allows system-wide ‘read’ access to all Koha zebra databases, by default
- [17365] SQL Injection & XSS attack in memberentry.pl
- [9896] Show vendor in subscription search when creating an order for a subscription
- [17331] Show holding branch in holds awaiting pickup report
Command-line Utilities
- [10337] Add a script to insert all sample data automatically
- [17444] Export by date and time in export_record.pl
- [15388] Show Syndetics covers by UPC in search results
- [17154] Note column is missing on account lines receipt
- [17056] Remove event attributes from various templates
Test Suite
- [17304] C4::Matcher::getmatch_keys is not tested
Critical bugs fixed
Architecture, internals, and plumbing
- [17342] Plack does not work after upgrading to 3.22.11 and 16.05.04
- [17477] Duplicating a subfield yields an empty subfield tag
Installation and upgrade (command-line installer)
- [17292] Use of DBIx in updatedatabase.pl broke upgrade (from bug 12375)
Installation and upgrade (web-based installer)
- [16573] Web installer fails to load structure and sample data on MySQL 5.7
- [17324] branchcode is NULL in letter triggers red upgrade message
- [17392] opac/svc/overdrive_proxy is not plack safe
- [17393] selfreg – Patron’s info are not correctly inserted if contain non-Latin characters
- [11217] The # in accountlines descriptions makes them un-writeoffable
- [17403] Internal Server Error while deleting patron
- [16838] Elasticsearch – mapping tables are not populated on new installs
System Administration
- [17389] Exporting framework always export the default framework
Other bugs fixed
- [7143] Bug for tracking changes to the about page
- [13405] System information has misleading information about indexing mode
Architecture, internals, and plumbing
- [14060] Remove readonly on date inputs
- [14707] Change UsageStatsCountry from free text to a dropdown list
- [17294] reserves_stats.pl is not plack safe
- [17368] plugins tests are broken – KitchenSinkPlugin
- [17372] Elasticsearch paths need to be standardized
- [17411] Change exit 1 to exit 0 in acqui/basket.pl to prevent Internal Server Error
- [17426] AutoCommit should not be set in tests
- [17446] Remove some seleted typos
- [7045] Default-value substitution inconsistent
- [16245] RIS export file type incorrect
- [16358] Rancor – Deleting records when Rancor is enabled just opens them
- [17405] Edit record uses Default framework
- [10768] Improve the interface related to itemBarcodeFallbackSearch
- [17310] Broken URLs in ‘Item renewed’ / ‘Cannot renew’ messages
- [17352] Patron search type is hard coded to ‘contain’ in circ/circulation.pl
Command-line Utilities
Hold requests
- [14514] LocalHoldsPriority and the HoldsQueue conflict with each other
- [16687] Translatability: Fix issues with sentence splitting in Administration preferences
- [17245] Untranslatable abbreviated names of seasons
- [17322] Translation breaks opac-ics.tt
Installation and upgrade (web-based installer)
- [17315] Can’t add entry to lists using link in result list
- [17316] Possible to see name of lists you don’t own
- [17296] Failed to correctly configure AnonymousPatron with AnonSuggestions should display a warning in about
- [17367] Showing all items must keep show holdings tab in OPAC details
- [17085] Specify libmojolicious-perl min version
- [17404] Patron deletion page: Fix title and breadcrumb
- [17423] patronimage.pl permission is too restrictive
- [16816] Duplicate button on report results copies parameters used
- [17300] Serials search does not return any results
Staff Client
- [17144] Fix variable scope issue in edi_accounts.pl (Internal server error with plack)
System Administration
- [16035] MARC framework Export misbehaving
- [17289] Holds awaiting pickup shows date unformatted
- [17312] Typo in members-toolbar.inc / moremember-brief.tt / moremember.tt